About Us

We create handmade written and illustrated Art Prints.
Our art prints are printed on 290gsm recycled textured felt card.
Our frames are Australian sourced, eco friendly engineered timber.
All prints are A4 and frame dimensions are 29.7 x 21cm.
Illustrated by Shinka De Zoysa and written by A'Teha Day

We are sisters, wives, mums and best friends that share a love for art, home decor and all things creative.

Since childhood we have dreamed of eventually in some way being able to work together however time got ahead of us and we have both been busy raising young families…that is until last year when we decided to combine our individual talents to create carefully curated & minimalistic art pieces that our customers would love to not only showcase in their own homes but also gift to the people that they care about the most.

We are both very sentimental at heart & our childhood was spent creating works of art, journals and filling hundreds of scrapbooks with drawings or poetry.


Our first collection…

When Shinka was young she was obsessed with the illustrated horoscopes in fashion magazines, and after A’teha had her daughter she started to finally work on putting her poetry out into the world and wrote a specific piece to her daughter that embodied her zodiac traits, with the intention of one day making it into a print. This began the idea to create a collection of drawings and poetry that were inspired by the incredible attributes that come with the 12 unique zodiac signs.  

If you would like to view other examples of our writer A'Teha Days work please visit @ateha_karen_daypoetry on instagram. Please also note that if you have a custom piece of work in mind that you would like created feel free to reach out via email. P.O.A 

Thank you for supporting a small business!

Warmest Regards.​

S & A Salacia the label x0